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GS1 MEMA Regional Forum

Join the GS1 MOs MEMA Regional Meeting!

Hotel Registration is Now Open!

Exclusive Offer Discounted Hotel Rates Until June 20th

Shape the future of GS1 in the MEMA region at the annual Regional Meeting.

Don't Miss Out! Mark Your Calendars

Get ready for an action-packed week of innovation and collaboration! Here's a sneak peek at the agenda. Stay tuned for the full schedule release!

Oct 7th

MEMA Business Day & Use Cases

Oct 8th


Oct 9th

MEMA MOs Capacity Building

Oct 10th

Free Day & Site Visit

Do you need a formal letter of invitation to obtain a visa to travel to Tunisia?

If yes, select "yes" and complete the questions below. Your invitation letter will be emailed within 7 business days.

If you do not have your passport available, select "no" to proceed with registration and email info@gs1tn.org with the necessary information to request an invitation letter.

Note: Travel documents are the responsibility of each individual. GS1 Tunisia is not responsible for obtaining them. Click here to find out and check with your Embassy.